The reishi mushroom, also known as ‘lingzhi mushroom’ (translating as supernatural mushroom) is a categorical term for many mushrooms within the Ganoderma genus. The term lingzhi is usually used to refer to Ganoderma Lucidum and Ganoderma Tsugae. G. Lucidum, which are used as a natural medication in East Asia and now across the globe.
Its use in medicine dates back to over 2,000 years ago, which puts it as one of the oldest mushrooms to ever have been used medicinally.
As with many ancient medicines, there is some scientific research to back up the traditional usage of reishi . Since the beginning of human civilisation, ethnobotanicals such as herbs and mushrooms have been valued for both culinary and medicinal properties (Wasser & Weis, 1999; Mahady, 2001). The base assumption in herbal medicineis that plants contain natural substances that can promote health and alleviate illness.
Reishi mushroom products help many people to boost their health. There are many health benefits associated with reishi , and no known side effects, which makes it a highly popular alternative remedy. Reishi contains ganoderic acids which are similar in composition to steroid hormones. They also contain polysaccharides such as beta-glucan and coumarin as well as alkaloids.
Company Website: https://reishimushroom.sg