At our Coffee Culture cafe, we sell traditional coffee brewed from premium roasted coffee beans. We also serve tea made from the finest tea leaves of the world.Together with our decades-old recipes, you get to enjoy great coffee and tea that is unavailable elsewhere.
Our prices are also very competitive and reasonable. Come and savour our other complementary breads like butter & kaya toasts, sandwiches, roti buns, and half-boiled eggs. Cold beverages including homemade barley and iced lemonade are also available.
Below is a list of our specialties:
- traditional coffee with/without milk or sugar
- tea with/without milk or sugar
- kaya butter toast
- kaya toast (original flavour)
- kaya toast (pandan flavour)
- butter toast with fine sugar
- wild bee honey toast
- peanut butter toast
- traditional kaya butter sandwich
- tuna sandwich
- chocolate ice-cream sandwich
- XO cooled durian sandwich
- bread with egg & mayonnaise
- double half-boiled eggs
- homemade barley
- homemade lemon tea
Address: 190 Middle Road, #19-05, Fortune Centre, Singapore 188979
Tel: +65 6826 3333
Fax: +65 6440 9226